Wednesday 23rd January - Programs


a) EMOM for 15 Mins
1 x Full Clean
1 x Front Squat

b) For time
3 Rounds
21/15 x Cal Airdyne
7 x Toes to Bar
7 x Chest to Bar Pull Ups
7 x Bar Muscle Ups
Straight into 
3 Rounds
9 x Power Cleans (175, 115)
9 x Push Jerks (175, 115)

"Condition X"

a) For time
800m Run
21 18 15 12 9 x DB Deadlifts (22.5kg, 15kg)
36 30 24 18 12 x Anchored Situps
800m Run

b) Partner Work/Rest
5 Rounds Each
15/11 x Cal Row
10 x Toes to Bar

Straight into

5 Rounds Each
75 50 30 20 x Double Unders
15 x Ball Slams


a) 6 x Reset Deadlifts (185, 125)
15 to 1 x DB Thrusters (15k, 10kg)
15 to 1 x DB Backward Lunges Each Leg

b) 100 x KB Curl to Press
Every time you stop - 5/3 x Strict Pull Ups
