Thursday 17th January - Programs


a) Every 90s for 5 Rounds
3 x Full Cleans (225, 155)
Straight into
Every 90s for 5 Rounds
3 x Full Cleans (245, 155)

b) 3 Rounds
30 x Wall Balls (20, 14)
30 x Box Jumps (24, 20)
30 x Chest to Bar Pull Ups
30 x Shoulder to Overhead (95, 65)
30/21 x Cal Row
Rest 2 Mins

"Condition X"

a) 20 Min AMRAP
400m Run
18 x DB Deadlifts
15 x GHD Situps

b) Every 3 Mins for 5 Roundss
30m DB Front Rack Lunge
10 x Toes to Bar

c) 4 Rounds
12 x KB Renegade Rows
24 x Landmine Twists
50 x Double Unders


a) Pairs
10 x Alternating 15/10 x Cal Ski Erg

10 x Alternating 500m C2 Bike

10 x 30m Prowler Pull into 30m Prowler Push
Go heavier each round
